Library trip this morning - well, sort of. For some reason I asked for that the books I put on hold at Rockdale library be pick-up-able from Bexley North library. Which was stupid because Bexley North library, even though it is quite the closest to my house, closes at six on weekdays (making it impossible for me to race there from work in time). Forgot about this and yesterday went to Rockdale for the books in response to the customary email. They told me that the books were at Bexley North, and that the latter library shuts at one on a Saturday. Couldn't go this morning until ridiculously late, because I had to wait at my parents' house (ironically, I appear to be the only one of my siblings who has a house key). Got to the library at 12.50. Got my books from a very grumpy librarian, who obviously couldn't wait to go do whatever it is librarians do on a Saturday afternoon.

But I now have my mitts on Michael Caine's The Elephant To Hollywood and The Fry Chronicles by (naturally) Stephen Fry. Delightful :-) As well as a Terry Pratchett (Unseen Academicals), the soundtrack to Moulin Rouge, and a DVD of Agatha Christie's Appointment With Death.
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