Currently reading:
Jane Austen for Dummies - very interesting so far; I quite like the more obscure 'For Dummies' books. I already own
Tolkien's Middle Earth for Dummies, which I recommend to any real fan of Tolkien and his amazing world.
I Capture The Castle by Dodie Smith, who, incidentally, wrote the original book of
101 Dalmatians - there's some trivia for you! I saw the movie of this a while ago - I must have been housesitting for my grandparents (not the ones I live with - the other set!) at the time, because I was alone at their house when I watched it. Such a disappointing film: if it had been less pretty I would be less torn about how little I enjoyed the story and how frustrating I found it. So far, the book is beautifully written - really enjoying it, though I dread the plot kicking in.
The Corinthian by Georgette Heyer - I've only read about eight pages of this one; so far it's shaping up to be exactly like the other Georgette Heyer Regency novels I have read. Which isn't such a bad thing. I like her snarky dandified heroes; her silly young Lydia-Bennet type ladies; her sensible governess types and helpless male wannabes. Fun reading.
Yay for 'I Capture The Castle'! One of my favourites :) I understand your frustration with the plot though, especially the end (I don't know how different the film is from the book so I won't say anything specific)...but I think the majority of the book is quite lovely :)