Read some more books :-)
First proper kindle purchase (apart from free downloads!):
An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
I really quite liked this book - 'twas not a waste of my first ever kindle spent money! The protagonist was a little whingey and mopey, but not to an unforgivable extent, the prose was magnificent and the random trivia embedded in the story was just what I like. The characters were engaging - particularly Hassan! - and carried the story very well indeed. Good young adult fiction exists! It does! I would like to write a book like this one someday...

This book had me literally 'lol'ing - repeatedly. If you have a Dad or a sense of humour (preferably both) you will love
Impractical Jokes by Charlie Pickering. I wish I were in a gushy mood today - I've read so many good books lately and I have so little to say! Sorry about that... this book is brilliant awesomeness.

A very sweet little book, this. A modern fable in the vein of... um...
The Little Prince?
The Nargun and the Stars? I'm not sure what to compare it to. But it is a lovely story. Completely different from the film - though the anti-war theme is prominent in both - but worthwhile in a completely different way.
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